Day of Messaging:
Legislators have a chance to support a meaningful increase to the mining tax this session with AJR1**. If passed, it would raise nearly a half-billion dollars for critical services like public education. Be brave. Be bold. #RedForRevenue
Let Nevadans Vote!! Put AJR1** on the ballot. Let the people pass it! #RedForRevenue #TaxTheMines
Together, AJR1** & SB346 make a strong revenue package to move Nevada on the correct course to address our chronic revenue shortfalls. The Legislature has the opportunity to take a big and bold step in addressing our funding challenge. #RedForRevenue
Invest In Nevada: Now is the time to take bold steps to meet our state’s needs. We need our leaders to have the courage to stand up and demand new and progressive revenue to move Nevada up from the bottom of the education funding lists #RedForRevenue
The new funding plan is broken. #Fix543 by grandfathering Zoom and Victory Schools, lifting the freeze on school districts, providing adequate funding, and removing anti-union language. #RedforRevenue
As you dig into the details of the Governor’s budget proposal, we ask you to dig deep to address our budget challenges. Nevada’s public schools and other vital services deserve new state revenue, not just continued austerity #RedForRevenue #ListenToEducators
Any new funding plan that does not include new funding is destined to fail. Now, more than a year and a half later, this is even more true. Be Brave. Be Bold. New Revenue’s the way to go. #RedForRevenue #ListenToEducators
Nevada ranks near the bottom of the nation in per-pupil funding, and near the top of the nation in class size. Per pupil funding has not kept pace with inflation over the past decade. It's time for our legislature to support sustainable & adequate education funding. #RedForRevenue