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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Supports Senate Bill 131

NSEA supports SB131 to strengthen protections for providers of reproductive healthcare and patients who need it without fear of prosecution by another state.
Support SB131 (2023)
Published: February 23, 2023

The National Education Association, the parent organization of the NSEA, has a long history of advocating for the rights of our members, 78% of which are women. That advocacy includes their reproductive freedom. 

Since 1978, the NEA has supported the right of our members to choose whether to have children and how to have a family. 

The official resolution reads “The National Education Association believes in family planning, including the right to reproductive freedom.”

SB131 strengthens protections for abortion providers and patients who need it without fear of prosecution by another state. 

That goal certainly falls within that official resolution and we stand in strong support. 

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