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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Supports AB182

NSEA supports AB182 to require a baccalaureate degree to obtain a teaching license.
Published: March 28, 2023

Teachers should be “profession-ready” on their first day of responsibility for student learning. This means teacher candidates must demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed for effective classroom practice. While teachers continue to learn and grow after entering the profession, every teacher should first demonstrate the ability to improve student learning. Candidates who are placed in classrooms and expected to learn how to teach on the job are not profession-ready. All persons entering the teaching profession must have had enough opportunities to witness, implement, and reflect on quality teaching and learning. They also need to have the foundational basis for this work.

For most teachers, this preparation includes 4 years of undergraduate education providing a broad liberal arts education, and creating a firm foundation of teaching knowledge and experience. In recent years, alternative routes to licensure that do not require a bachelor’s degree have watered down the profession, in many cases compromising student learning. AB182 would close this loophole helping ensure the professionalism of teaching, respecting educators who have completed years of schooling and training, building parent and community confidence in our teachers and schools, and making sure the most qualified individuals are in front of our students.

NSEA believes strengthening the teaching profession will work to reduce the number of teacher vacancies, as disrespect, along with low pay, has been a major factor in educator departures.

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