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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Opposes Senate Bill 27

NSEA originally supported SB27 with amendments to remove new requirements for licensure for paraprofessionals and coaches, clarification on investigatory powers of the Superintendent, and language regarding teacher-purchased supplies. With the newest amendment removing the teacher supply reimbursement account, NSEA cannot support SB27.
Oppose SB27
Published: February 8, 2021 Last Updated: May 18, 2021

NSEA opposes SB27 with amendments as it removes the teacher supply reimbursement account. While NSEA originally supported SB27 with amendments to remove new requirements for licensure for paraprofessionals and coaches, clarification on investigatory powers of the Superintendent, language removing the teacher school supply assistance means NSEA can no longer support. 

Previous Memo

NSEA represents educators across the state, including a majority of paraprofessionals in Nevada school districts. Since introduction of SB27, NSEA has engaged the Nevada Department of Education regarding paraprofessional licensure, and we appreciate the Department’s agreement to remove this language.

Along with other education stakeholders, including the Washoe County School District and the Nevada Association of School Superintendents, NSEA had questions about some of the provisions of SB27 as introduced. We appreciate the work of the education stakeholders and NDE to clarify language on the Superintendent’s power of investigation being limited to the area of licensure and reversion to teacher school supply assistance to the 2019 language

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