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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Opposes Assembly Bill 109 and Seeks Amendment

NSEA opposes AB109 as amended and seeks an amendment to restore language as introduced to require all teachers who provide instruction at a charter school be licensed to teach in this state.
Oppose AB109
Published: March 11, 2021 Last Updated: April 30, 2021

During the last legislative session, as well as in the interim, NSEA pushed for greater accountability for charter schools. Our advocacy included the issue of licensure of all charter school teachers to help level the playing field between charter schools and neighborhood public schools while also helping ensure every Nevada student has access to a highly qualified teacher. NSEA was heartened by the introduction of AB109 by the Interim Committee on Education and spoke in strong support at the Assembly Education Committee. Unfortunately, the bill was watered down to lower the requirement to 80%. While it still requires teachers in core academic subjects to be licensed, we believe this requirement should apply to all charter school teachers.

During this committee’s discussion of SB126 related to libraries, strong statements were made about the need for licensed librarians in all public schools. Consistent application of this position should extend to classrooms in charter schools.

Regarding the profession of teaching, education leader Linda Darling-Hammond has said,

Teaching is the profession on which all other professions depend… There's a pretty wide and deep basket of knowledge that teachers need to have. They need to understand how people learn, and how people learn differently. They need to know how people develop in social and emotional and academic and moral and physical ways, and how all those areas of child development interact with each other. They need to understand the relationship, for example, between emotion and learning. Teachers also need to know how to build a curriculum that gets kids from wherever they are to the curriculum goals we have for them. They need to understand assessment — how not only to give a test and give a grade … but also how to assess how kids are learning and then either reshape the teaching or help students revise their own work so that they can improve.

Great teaching takes so much more than just subject matter expertise or even excellence in another field. AB109 recognizes this and honors the profession of teaching and the educators who have committed significant time and energy in rigorous study and practice to become great teachers.


Substitute language of AB109 as amended with language of AB109 as introduced.

Public Comment from Nevada Educators

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NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.