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Powerline: April 14, 2023

Welcome to another edition of NSEA's Powerline Newsletter! Today (April 14, 2023) marks a major deadline - Committee Passage: First House at the Legislature. Bills must be out of the assigned committee by the end of today or they are essentially dead. Check below for this week's update. 
Cover Powerline 2023
Published: April 14, 2023
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Click below to read our memos and/or watch the video testimony


  • Senate Bill 292 (Support - No memo)

    • NSEA support this measure pertaining to administrator accountability.

  • Senate Bill 344 (Support)

    • NSEA spoke in support of SB344 as its basic good government. SB344 prohibits CCSD from discouraging public comment; provides for leave for parents to attend school meetings; requires CCSD audit; requires Superintendent and Associate Superintendents to have 10 or 5 years of in-state public school experience; requires annual review of Superintendent and Associate Superintendents; and prohibits Cities and Counties from operating, sponsoring, or supporting charter schools.
  • Senate Bill 434 (Support)

    • NSEA supports SB434 to allow long-term substitute teachers to qualify for PERS


  • Assembly Bill 423 (Support - No Memo)

    • Prohibits School Boards from taking action during certain hours, ensuring educators and students can participate as much as possible.
  • Assembly Bill 269 (Support)

    • NSEA supports AB269 to allow post-probationary teachers to request an observation and evaluation in third year after two years of being rated effective or highly effective. The amendment to remove student data from teacher evaluations greatly strengthens this bill, ensuring teacher evaluations are fair measures of their performance.
  • Assembly Bill 339 (Support - No Memo)

    • Requires districts to annually report students with 10 or more absences and students with 4 weeks of instruction provided by someone other than a certified teacher.
  • Assembly Bill 357 (Support)

    • Requires one course in sex education. Includes parental opt-out. 
  • Senate Bill 394 (Support)

    • NSEA supports SB394 to increase property tax to fund public education.


  • Senate Bill 148 (Support)

    • NSEA supports SB148 as amended to prohibit outsourcing, ensure staffing ratios for custodial and campus security employees, and ensure clarity and fairness during selection of employees in the Clark County School District.


  • Assembly Bill 282 (Amend)

    • NSEA supports AB282 to provide a subsidy for long-term substitute teachers to purchase health insurance.

Powerline Upcoming Events Header

Save The Date

NSEA's Grassroots Task Force has set the big Time for 20 rally in Carson City, NV for May 17th, at 4:30pm. The rally will take place out front of the Nevada Legislative Building. 

We have a Facebook Event Page where you can RSVP and share with your friends, colleagues, and community members. RSVP Here. 

A Rainy Day Poster 2

Take Action Powerline

Senate Bill 231 Falls Short

While NSEA appreciates the intent of Senate Bill 231 to deliver raises to Nevada educators, we have serious concerns about the bill as introduced. Here are our concerns: 

  1. SB231 leaves behind a majority of Nevada school districts.
  2. An unintended consequence of SB231 could be even larger class sizes.
  3. SB231 literally leaves out thousands of educators who make our schools run. 
  4. School district concern over the one-time nature of funds in SB231.
  5. SB231 is another example of a flawed legislative process.
  6. SB231 falls short of a stated goal of 10% raises as well as the 20% gold standard set in Time for 20.  

NSEA is working on alternate language to deliver raises to *every* Nevada educator. We're asking you to email the Senate, Assembly, and Governor and share your concerns. 

Click Here to Send a Letter


Ahead of our rally on May 17, 2023, make sure you send a letter to Legislative Leadership! This is a new campaign so if you've previously sent a letter, you can send a new one as well!

It's time to adequately fund public education for our kids and educators. It's time to respect and retain our experienced educators. It's Time For 20. 

With an unprecedented shortage of educators to teach our kids and make our schools run, Time for 20 means: 

  • A 20% increase in educator pay.
  • At least $20/hour for the workers who make our schools run.
  • With some of the largest class sizes in the country, Time for 20 means reaching an average class size of 20 students.

Click here to Send a Letter

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Question about this bill? Message Us!

Do you have a question about this particular bill? Send NSEA an email and our Government Relations Chair will get back to you shortly!

Become a Grassroots Task Force Ambassador!

Support NSEA Strategic Goals in Membership and Politics by increasing active participants, as measured by participation in letter-writing campaigns, social media promotion, rally attendance, and collective action participation.

Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.