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Press Release

Education is Essential: Educator Voices Should be Included

On June 24, 2020, we learned the Legislature will meet for a Special Session beginning on July 7, 2020. Unfortunately, it was announced the public would be locked out from this important and democratic process.
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Published: June 24, 2020

Key Takeaways

  1. “It is disappointing to learn that as plans are being made to reopen our schools, the Legislative Session deciding on the critical issue of resources will be closed to the public,” said Brian Rippet, President of the Nevada State Education Association.
  2. "Cuts to education compromise our ability to safely reopen, jeopardizing the safety of our students, educators, and community. Now, that process will be behind closed doors.”

“It is disappointing to learn that as plans are being made to reopen our schools, the Legislative Session deciding on the critical issue of resources will be closed to the public,” said Brian Rippet, President of the Nevada State Education Association. “Once again, educators’ voices and expertise will be shut out of an important process that directly impacts our day to day lives, including our health and safety.”

The National Conference of State Legislatures states, “at the most elemental level, public participation in the legislative process requires access to the building where the legislature meets.” NSEA believes the Governor and Nevada Legislature should adhere to that sentiment.

“As we move towards reopening our schools, districts will have new expenses to implement state recommended health and safety guidelines,” said Dawn Miller, NSEA Vice President. “Education is essential, and we need to fund healthy schools. Cuts to education compromise our ability to safely reopen, jeopardizing the safety of our students, educators, and community. Now, that process will be behind closed doors.”

NSEA’s Grassroots Task Force is calling for a rally at the Legislature on July 8, 2020, at noon. We ask educators, students, parents, and education allies to wear a mask and attend our socially distanced rally to raise our voices in support of public education.

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.