80th Legislative Session (2019)

The 80th Legislative Session began Monday, February 4, 2019 and ended, Sine Die, just before midnight on Monday, June 3, 2019.. NSEA had a strong, regular, and noticeable presence at the Legislature from the Governor's State of the State Address in mid-January all the way through June 3rd.
NSEA continued to be an active stakeholder at the Legislature, and worked to ensure NSEA’s vision of a quality public education for all Nevada students regardless of zip code. NSEA tracked nearly 200 bills, with 58 of 77 supported bills passing both houses, and 12 of the 13 opposed bills failing. The NSEA ground team as well as NSEA member leaders testified at the table over 100 distinct times, submitting exhibits on about 50 unique bills.
Listed below are the various NSEA priorities, agreed upon by the NSEA Lobby Team and the NSEA Ground Team. This page contains official NSEA positions, the memos submitted to each committee, and videos of our ground team and member leaders testifying throughout session.
NSEA 80th Session Bill Tracker (SENATE)
Bill: Senate Bill 26
Issue/Summary: Ending Fund Balance for CCSD
Position: Oppose
Status: No Action Taken in Senate.
Bill: Senate Bill 41
Issue/Summary: Teacher Licensure
Position: Support (Previously opposed unless amended & Amendment adopted at NSEA's request)
Status:Passed Senate 17-4; Passed Senate 39-1. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 57
Issue Summary: Related to school safety; makes school blueprints confidential, but available to law enforcement in certain circumstances.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0; Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 80
Issue Summary: Handle with Care Program
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 84
Issue/Summary: Creates the Pre-Kindergarten Account
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 89
Issue/Summary: School Safety Omnibus Bill.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 90
Issue/Summary: Health insurance plans for Nurses
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 91
Issue/Summary: Establishes the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education
Position: Support, with Amendment.
Status: No Action Taken in Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 99
Issue/Summary: Creates the Task Force on the Creation of a Career Pathway for Teachers
Position: Oppose Unless Amended (issues with appointing authority for educators)
Status: No Action Taken In Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 100
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions relating to the licensure and employment of veterans, military personnel, and their spouses in Nevada public schools.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 111
Issue/Summary: Ending fund balance of local governments.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 12-7. Passed Assembly 28-13. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 123
Issue/Summary: Same day voter registration
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 40-1. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 133
Issue/Summary: Makes an appropriation for educational leadership training programs
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken In Senate.
Bill: Senate Bill 135
Issue/Summary: Extends collective bargaining to state employees in Nevada.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed Assembly 28-13. Signed by Governor.
Click for Memo
Bill: Senate Bill 153
Issue/Summary: Reverts Collective Bargaining Provisions to Pre-2015 Language.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 12-7. Passed Assembly 28-13. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 185
Issue/Summary: School Volunteer Background Checks
Position: Support
Results: Passed 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 191
Issue/Summary: Requires each public school to establish and maintain a school library.
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken in Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 203
Issue/Summary: Programs related to children who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bil 204
Issue/Summary: Strengthens provision to prevent and effectively respond in the event of a suicide or attempted suicide.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 17-3. Passed Assembly 30-9. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 207
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions governing apprentices
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed Assembly 27-12. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 214
Issue/Summary: Authorizes the Nevada System of Higher Education to create a faculty compensation system that includes regular in-rank salary increases.
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken in Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 224
Issue/Summary: Protecting Personal Information of Nevada PERS members
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 11-10. Assemby 24-16. Signed by Governor
Bill: Senate Bill 231
Issue/Summary: Addresses prevailing wages on school and other projects (see AB136)
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed the Assembly 28-12. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bil 233
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions relating to capital improvements funds.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 39-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bil 253
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions governing the suspension of licensed school employees.
Position: Support after NSEA's amendments were made.
Status: Passed in Senate 21-0; Passed in Assembly 39-0. Signed by Governor
Bill: Senate Bill 267
Issue/Summary: Makes revisions concerning the effect of social and environmental factors on education.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0; Passed in Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 303
Issue/Summary: Makes an appropriation for incentives for teachers who have received a national board certification and are employed to teach at Title I schools.
Position: Oppose.
Status: No Action Taken in Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 313
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions relating to computer literacy and computer science education.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 319
Issue/Summary: Defines "school counselor","school psychologist", and "school social worker" for certain purposes. Requires an annual 5% of the base salary each year for those who hold national certification.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 320
Issue Summary: Provides for the identification of pupils for placement in more rigorous courses in certain core academic subjects
Position: Support
Status: Passes Senate 21-0. Passed in Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 321
Issue/Summary: Abolishes the Achievement School District
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed Assembly 29-11. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 350
Issue/Summary: Nevada Promise Scholarships
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0; Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 372
Issue/Summary: Provides qualifications for school psychologists, counselors, and social workers and moves licensing structure from Nevada Department of Education to related Boards.
Position: Oppose
Status: No Action Taken in Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 376
Issue Summary: Revises provisions to the Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 19-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 403
Issue/Summary: Prohibits school service provider from advertising within its services or doing targeted advertising based on data gathered, while allowing the use of general data to improve services. Also provides for parental consent for use of these technologies.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Click for Video 1 and Video 2
Bill: Senate Bill 441
Issue/Summary: Regulation of Virtual Charter Schools
Position: Neutral; does not go far enough.NSEA seeks caps.
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 444
Issue/Summary: Costs associated with enrollment in pre-kindergarten education programs
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken In Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 450
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions relating to recall elections
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 16-5. Passed Assembly 30-9. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 459
Issue/Summary: Extends collective bargaining to higher education employees in Nevada.
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken In Senate
Click for Memo
Bill: Senate Bill 467
Issue/Summary: Extends Zoom and Victory school programs in Nevada
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bil 469
Issue/Summary: Amends the CCSD reorganization to expand the number of precincts overseen by the associate Superintendents and allows the District to include central functions as restricted.
Position: Oppose unless section 2 is added back in
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed Assembly 34-9. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bil 475
Issue/Summary: Sets the use of SLO/SLG's at 20% of a Teacher's Evaluation
Position: Oppose unless amended to 0%
Status: Passed Senate 17-4. Passed Assembly 35-4. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 476 Support
Issue/Summary: Establishes programs to promote education in computer science
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken by Senate
Bill: Senate Bill 505
Issue/Summary: Makes appropriation for an adjustment to school districts impacted by the district of residence issue.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 19-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 520
Issue/Summary: Supplemental appropriation to the DSA for an unanticipated increase to K12 enrollment for 17/18 and 18/19 school years
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 523
Issue/Summary: Supplemental appropriation to NDE for unanticipated shortfall in personnel expenses.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 19-0. Passed Assembly 34-5. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 543
Issue/Summary: Revises the Nevada Funding Formula
Position: Oppose
Status: Passed Senate 18-3. Passed Assembly 34-7. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 545
Issue/Summary: Redirects the 10% excise tax on marijuana to the Distributive School Account.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 20-0. Passed Assembly 40-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 549
Issue/Summary: Allocations of money from the Account for the New Nevada Education Funding Plans
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 4-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 551
Issue/Summary: Maintains business tax rates to fund School Safety, and Educator raises
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 13-8. Passed Assemby 28-13. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Senate Bill 555
Issue/Summary: K12 Education Budget
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate 21-0. Passed Assembly 41-0. Signed by Governor
NSEA 80th Session Bill Tracker (ASSEMBLY)
Bill: Assembly Bill 64
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions governing the funding provided to school districts for pupils enrolled in full time programs of distance education
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 40-0; Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 78
Issue/Summary: Transparency/Oversight of the Charter School Authority
Position: Oppose. NSEA has serious concerns about the expansion of the authority of the State Public Charter School Authority as well as the ability to create its own regulations.
Results: Passed Assembly 41-0. Passed Senate 16-4. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 88
Issue/Summary: Data and deadline changes; average daily attendance changed to average daily enrollment.
Position: Support
Status: Passed 41-0 in Assembly; Passed Senate 20-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 92
Issue/Summary: Extends and expands the scope of the English Mastery Council
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 39-0. Passed Senate 19-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 123
Issue/Summary: Requires information about student immunizations to be provided to health officials.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 40-0. Died on Senate Side.
Bill: Assembly Bill 136
Issue/Summary: Addresses prevailing wages on school and other projects (see SB231)
Position: Support
Status: Passed through Assembly 28-12. Passed Senate 12-8. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 155
Issue/Summary: Revises the eligibility requirements for Silver State Opportunity Grants
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 39-1. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 168
Issue/Summary: Requires schools to provide a plan of action based on restorative justice before suspending or expelling a pupil.
Position: Support with Amendment
Status: Passed Assembly 40-0. Passed Senate 20-1. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 181
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions governing employment attendance practices.
Position: Support
Status; Passed Assembly 40-0. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 186
Issue/Summary: Enacts the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote.
Position: Support
Status; Passed Assembly 23-17. Passed Senate 12-8. Vetoed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 196
Issue/Summary: Incentives for educators at Title I school.s
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 38-0. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed By Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 205
Issue/Summary: Requires school districts to employ integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to promote prevention and reduce unnecessary pesticide use; also ensures 10% of custodial and maintenance staff at school sites are trained in IPM
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 38-2; Passed Senate 13-6. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 213
Issue/Summary: Authorizes the issuance of a restricted driver's license to certain charter school pupils.
Position: Oppose
Status: No Action Taken by Assembly
Bill: Assembly Bill 219
Issue/Summary: Revises provisions related to a policy of instruction to teach English to pupils who are English learners.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 40-1. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 237
Issue/Summary: Expands the educational personnel eligible to access the School Supplies Reimbursement Account.
Position: Support. NSEA also supports a conceptual amendment to streamline the distribution funds from this account near the beginning of the school year.
Status: No Action Taken by Assembly
Bill: Assembly Bill 244
Issue/Summary: Allows for certain taxes in a county to fund capital projects of the school district
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 32-9. Passed Senate 20-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 275
Issue/Summary: Prohibits a regulatory body from denying licensure of an applicant based on his or her immigration or citizenship status.
Status: Passed Assembly 29-11. Passed Senate 19-2. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 276
Issue/Summary: Creates the Nevada State Teacher Recruitment amd Retention Advisory Task Force
Position: Support with amendments.
Status: Passed Assembly 29-11. Passed Senate 19-2. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 289
Issue/Summary: Revises Read By Three
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 28-11. Passed Senate 17-4. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 304
Issue/Summary: Class Size Ratios and Additional Compensation
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 41-0. Passed Senate 20-1. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 309
Issue/Summary: Vehicle for the 3% pay raise; enables county commissions to increase sale tax.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 28-12. Passed Senate 12-9. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 331
Issue/Summary: Creates the Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program in the Division of State Parks
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 40-0. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 340
Issue/Summary: Makes various changes concerning the acquisition and use of opioid antagonists by schools.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 40-1. Passed Senate 21-0. No Further Action Taken
Bill: Assembly Bill 341
Issue/Summary: Enacts provisions relating to the compensation of certain school nurses
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken by Assembly
Bill: Assembly Bill 343
Issue/Summary: Provisions relating to mental health
Position: Oppose unless amended.
Status: No Action Taken by Assembly
Bill: Assembly Bill 400
Issue/Summary: Protects school funding by restricting certain tax breaks, including the Local School Support Tax.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 35-6. Passed In Senate 20-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 456
Issue/Summary: Raises the minimum wage to $12.00 by 2024.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 28-12. Passed Senate 13-7. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 458
Issue/Summary: Eliminates the automatic 10% annual increase to total amount of tax credits allowed for the "Opportunity Scholarships"
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 28-12; Passed Senate 13-8. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 460
Issue/Summary: Reduces from 40% to 10% the percentage of such an evaluation that is required to be based on SLO/SLG's
Position: Support
Status: No Action Taken by Assembly (See SB475)
Bill: Assembly Bill 461
Issue/Summary: Creates the position of the Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for homeless pupils.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 41-0. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 462
Issue/Summary: Five Year Growth Plan for Charter Schools (Originally a 2 year moratorium)
Position: Neutral, but seeking amendment for charter school caps.
Status: Passed Assembly 37-4. Passed Senate 21-0. Signed by Governor.
Bill: Assembly Bill 538
Issue/Summary: Maintains the business tax rates, so Nevada can continue its efforts to sufficiently fund public education.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 27-12. No Further Action Taken (See SB551)
Bill: Assembly Joint Resolution 2
Issue/Summary: Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to require the recognition of all marriages regardless of gender.
Position: Support
Status: Passed Assembly 37-2. Passed Senate 19-9. On 2020 Ballot.
NSEA Budgetary Item Tracker (2019)
Bill: No Bill Introduced; Budgetary Item
Issue/Summary: Student Assessment Audit (SB303 from 2017)
Position: Against the audit recommendations.
Satus: Heard, but no action. Bill expected shortly to address.
Budget Number: 2610 (NDE - Distributive School Account) See SB555
Issue/Summary: K-12 Budget
Position: Encouraged, but needs to go further.
Budget Number: 2711 (State Public Charter School Authority)
Issues/Summary: State Charter School Authority Budget
Budget Number: 2717 (See SB324)
Issue/Summary: Teacher's School Supplies Reimbursement
Budget Number: 2674 (Achievement School Districts) (See SB321)
Issues/Summary: Defund the Achievement School District
Position: Oppose and re-appropriate monies to programs to improve public education.
Budget Number: 2697 (NDE Assessments and Accountability)
Issues/Summary: SB303 Audit on Assessments and Accountability